
The Value of Commitment!

The Value of Commitment!
By: May McCarthy

In the past month, the topic of commitment has come up in a number of different settings and I thought that would be a great focus for this month’s newsletter. 

Some of my Angel Investor friends often ask business owners who are looking for investors, “How committed are you to the success of your business?” At my church, pastors have posed the question to the congregation, “Can you commit to a daily practice that connects you with the Divine?” I’ve heard parents advise their children, “Since you’ve signed up to play on the team, you have to honor your commitment and play the rest of the season even if you don’t feel like it.”  And one businessman told me of his conversation with a valued customer, “I know that my product didn’t arrive to you on time and I feel obligated to abide by the commitment I made to you. Please accept the shipment for free because of our mistake.”

As you can see from these examples, commitment can have a number of meanings.  In the dictionary, commitment is defined as “the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.” It can also mean “a pledge or undertaking.”  Commitments can mean “an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.”

One of my favorite sayings from an unknown author is: There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”

I agree! Commitment is a choice to follow through and accept no excuses, only results. But, in order to do this, you have to have an idea of the results that you want to realize and commit to reviewing them daily. 

To help you with this, follow these three simple steps as your daily commitment to the results that you want to achieve:

  1. Describe in detail the results that you want for your life.

Every day, write out statements that describe the results that you’d like to experience in three areas of your life; your Health, Relationships, and Business or Finances.  Make sure that your descriptions include words that detail the achieved results. For example, “I am grateful that I am physically fit, trim, toned, energetic, healthy and happy with a strong body that is youthful and beautiful.” As you rewrite this statement each day, you’ll be programming yourself to be more mindful of what you’re putting into your body and the exercise that you’re doing to make these statements true.  Your commitment to the outcome of a healthy and strong body will give you the means to manifest your results. The snacks in the breakroom at work won’t look as appealing, and your sleep at night will become more restful in order to give you the strong and healthy body that you’re committed to having.

  1. Create a collage of pictures that represent the results.

Cut out pictures from magazines and from the internet which represent your realized results.  Paste these to a poster board and place it somewhere that you can see it daily. For example, your desired result may include the perfect partner to share your life with.  You could include pictures on your board that show couples having fun vacationing, going out to dinner, hiking, and enjoying themselves in ways that you’d like to with your new partner. When looking at those pictures, you’ll begin to see and feel yourself having those experiences. Combine this with a written description of your life with your new partner; “I’m delighted that I have the most wonderful and loving partner who I have fun with, who is brilliant and easy to talk to, and who appreciates me and I appreciate her/him.  We are so happy together in this wonderful life that we choose to share together.” You’ve now set the stage for your subconscious to help you to notice more possibilities to realize those results and welcome them into your life sooner.

  1. Notice and act on intuitive messages to lead you to desired results.

Now that you are committed to the results that you want and you’re seeing and feeling yourself achieving your goals, you’ll begin to notice more intuitive messages that show up to help guide you to your desired outcomes. For example, your desired result may be to work in a new job. Your written statements might become something like; “I’m grateful that I have a new job that allows me to use my skills and talents in remarkable ways. I’m delighted to work for a company that I value and who supports me. I appreciate being paid more than I’ve ever been paid.  I enjoy all of my co-workers and have fun. I love my job!” Your poster board may include pictures of co-workers collaborating in effective ways, paychecks that are larger, and a happy office environment. Soon after starting this practice, you may be guided by your intuition to go to an event that a friend invites you to where you’ll meet someone who works for your next employer.  You may hear about a job opening from a relative in another state. You may be walking your dog in the park when your dog stops to visit with another dog that is owned by your next boss. You never know how intuitive messages will be sent to you, but they will direct you to take action along the path to the results that you want. Commit to “have courage to follow your heart and intuition”, as Steve Jobs said, and you will surely achieve the results that you desire.

As you commit to writing out statements that describe your realized results daily, seeing on your poster board pictures of  people just like you experiencing what you want, and noticing intuitive messages that direct you to take action, you will be able to achieve the results that you desire. I hope that you’ll commit to following these steps daily to realize more of your goals in a much easier and fun way.  All the best to you for continued success in all of your endeavors.  May you be blessed on Your Path to all that is Good!

You can learn more success principles in my book, The Path to Wealth; Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance. www.bizzultz.com/book



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