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Lost your 2014 list of goals? Make a new one!

Lost your 2014 list of goals? Make a new one!

Fall is in the air and the days are starting to get shorter. Gone are those long days of summer.  What else is missing? The list that you made in January which included hope filled desires with solid financial, health, and relationship goals. Often, we make goals and resolutions in January and by the 4th quarter, we can’t remember the last time we saw our list. Somewhere between January and now, life just got in the way, a crisis occurred, work required more of you, and you never got back to focusing on your list of goals. That’s not uncommon.

Shake it off - it’s never a bad time to begin again. Make a new list today and commit to putting it somewhere that you can see every day.  Refrigerators, bathroom mirrors, and your office whiteboard are great places to display your new list. Seeing your list everyday keeps your goals at the forefront of your thoughts.  You become more familiar with the idea of achieving your goals and can expect to see more opportunities that will lead you to their attainment. There is power in expecting results. Some of the best brain research concerning expectations comes from Wolfram Schultz, a professor at Cambridge University in England. Schultz has studied the relationship between dopamine and the reward circuitry in the brain. He found that positive expectations increase the levels of dopamine, which makes a person more able to focus. The link between expectations, dopamine, and perception may explain why happiness is a great state for mental performance and problem solving. Here are a few steps to achieve your goals sooner:

  • Rewrite your goals daily in the form of gratitude statements.You're already grateful for the achievement. e.g. I am so grateful that I am living in a beautiful new home which allows my family and me to feel comfortable, safe, and happy.
  • Read your statements out loud to yourself with emotion. This anchors it in your subconscious.
  • Think about what it is like to experience the realized goals.  How do you feel?  What are you doing?

In your happy and expectant state of being, you’ll now be able to notice more possibilities that can point you in the direction of achieving your goals. If you start today, you may even be able to achieve them by the end of 2014. Good luck! To learn more about tools for success, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or sign up for our newsletter today!

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