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Give Forth to Make Room for More Good!

Give Forth to Make Room for More Good!
By: May McCarthy

In traveling the country as part of the promotion for my book, The Path to Wealth, I’ve noticed that most everyone that I meet wants to achieve more goals and experience more of the good things that they desire in life. Some people, however, haven’t made room enough to receive what they want.  Imagine that you are a vessel to hold things like a box.  If you’ve filled the box to the brim, you can’t add anything more to it. You have to remove the things that aren’t useful to make room for the things that you want.  To do this, you need to use a process of giving-forth or forgiveness. In addition to making room for more good things, forgiveness has other benefits as well.

In the study, Neuroimaging of Forgivability, Dr. Tom Farrow, a clinical psychologist at the University of Sheffield, and his colleagues, used Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to study the effects of forgiveness on the brain. It turns out when a person is in the process of forgiving, the scanned images show that activity in the frontal lobe of the brain increases. The frontal lobe is involved in problem-solving and complex thought and complex functions of thinking and reasoning. Based on this research, is it possible that forgiving someone may actually make you smarter?

Forgiveness doesn’t condone what someone else has done in the past; it is simply a tool to help you to be free so that more of what you desire can be realized. For example, I know of a woman who owns a successful service company. Her goal was to increase expected sales revenues for her company by over $10,000 by the end of the month.  Shortly after making that goal, and using the daily goal attainment practice described in my book, she received an email from someone that used to work for her 15 years ago.  This man congratulated her on an award she received.  She got very tense and angry when she saw his name since he had caused a very expensive problem in her business and left the company without saying he was sorry. She started to relive the pain she experienced long ago and had angry thoughts about him several times a day.  It became all consuming. In her frustration, she realized that she needed to work on giving-forth the resentful and painful thoughts that made her tense. It was difficult since the recordings in her head about him weren’t easy to turn off.

She continued to use the giving-forth or forgiveness prayer that she learned in my book, and I also gave her an easy to remember mantra that I had heard long ago; “I bless you, I forgive you, I release you.”  I asked her to recite this mantra out loud whenever she thought of the man. 

She felt like she recited that mantra thousands of times the first day, and less and less each day afterwards. She didn’t feel any peace right away, but she persisted and continued to recite the mantra whenever she thought of her former employee. By the end of the first week she felt a little lighter and freer.  By the following week the mantra began to have a new meaning for her and she actually started to believe the words.  After two weeks of saying the mantra, she realized that she had developed some compassion for the man. She realized that he had made pitiful life choices and may have been trying to make amends.  That took courage.

Within the 3rd week, when she felt more peace about her former employee, a company that had discontinued carrying her services the previous year had called unexpectedly and renewed a contract with her company and supplied an advanced payment of $10,000. She received her goal without any effort on her part. Could that have happened anyway?  Sure, since she was doing the rest of the daily goal attainment practice.  But, due to her getting rid of the resentment, pain, and anger, she may have welcomed and made room for her goal to arrive sooner.

You can use this same technique to give-forth anything that is not serving you and make room for more of the good things that you want to arrive by following these simple steps:

  1. Use the daily goal attainment practice that supports receiving your completed goals. 
    Write, speak and imagine your goals realized every day. You can learn how to do this by visiting http://bizzultz.com/blog/item/172-turning-wishes-into-goals.
  2. Say the giving-forth or forgiveness prayer below just before bed every night:
    “If there is anyone from my past or present that I need to forgive whether I remember them or not, I now do so. I bless them, I love them, I forgive them, and I release them to live their lives in whatever way is best. And, if there is anyone from my past or present that needs to forgive me, including myself, they now do so and we are all free to experience a higher and greater good in our lives.” The best part of this prayer is that you don’t have to believe it.  You just have to say it out loud every night. It still works to clear out anything that isn’t useful to you so that you can make room to receive more good things. Try it for 30 days and see what happens.
  3. Use the giving-forth mantra when the thought of someone is unpleasant.
    If the thought of someone brings you anger, pain, or stress throughout the day, say the mantra over and over until you have peace: “I bless you, I forgive you, I release you.” The spoken word will win to get your attention and you will then be able to make room for more of the good things that you want.

Continue with this practice to become free of anything that is not serving you in life and to make more room for what you want. All the best to you for continued success in all of your endeavors.  May you be blessed on Your Path to all that is Good! You can learn more success principles in my book, The Path to Wealth; Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance. www.bizzultz.com/book