
There Are No Mistakes

If you were convinced that you could never make a mistake, what would you do? I’ve asked that question to dozens of people and they responded with descriptions of risk taking in business, relationships, adventure, and finances. It’s the fear of making a mistake that keeps people from taking these kinds of risks. Their goal is to avoid failure and disappointment.


It’s my belief that there are no mistakes.  There are only learning experiences.


Singer and songwriter, Dale Turner said;” Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future.” When you feel that you’ve made a mistake, remember that there is something that you can learn from the experience to help you in the future.


I haven a friend who had gotten divorced and remarried quickly. Some would call this a rebound marriage. Prior to marriage, she didn’t learn that her new husband had been diagnosed as bi-polar and their years together were filled with a tremendous amount of pain.  She felt that she had made a big mistake in getting married so quickly and left the marriage after four years. At first, she was embarrassed about her failure – she was depressed and unhappy, replaying her error over and over again.  As time went on, she discovered that she had learned from her experience and started to recognize more value in having been in the relationship. She learned to take more time in getting to know people in building relationships. She was able to offer advice to others who were considering getting married too quickly so they could avoid the types of painful experiences that she had.


To shift your view of any situation, use your spoken words to declare what you want repeatedly. Test this yourself – think of a past mistake that sparks an emotional reaction in you. Now, repeat over and over, “I’m grateful to learn from all of my past experiences. I grow and learn in every situation and am better prepared for my successful, healthy and prosperous life.” While reciting something out loud, you can’t think of something different at the same time.


Create statements of your own and repeat them over and over until the negative feelings and thoughts subside. According to motivational speaker Brian Tracy, “Your ability to stay positive and maintain positive thoughts determines the tone of your emotional life. The words you use to describe what is happening to you, and to discuss how you feel about external events, trigger the emotions of happiness or unhappiness you experience.”


Use affirmative words often to shift your feelings and improve your outlook on the future. Following are a few statements that you can modify and use if you make a mistake or feel trapped in a negative attitude;


  • There are no mistakes in life, only learning experiences.  I now see clearly what I’m to learn from this situation and move forward to enjoy a very successful life.
  • Someday soon, I will look in the rearview mirror of life and see how this situation has been a great learning experience. I experience my higher and greater good always.
  • I am grateful that I am always guided and directed to take steps along a path to achieve my goals. Any seeming mistakes transform into my good.


Don’t let the negative thoughts of past mistakes rob you of a future filled with happiness, health, and prosperity. You deserve to live the good life that you desire. Forgive yourself and learn from your experience. You can learn more success principles in my book and at www.maymccarthy.com.

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